Monday, 23 January 2012

World Literacy Rates

Hmm probably should have thought about the topic more before i decided upon using it as a blog... what to write, what to write... Ah i know, world literacy rates. Its geography and writing related plus mildy interesting.

Wow, i just found out that there is 7 countries with a 100% literacy rate. Who knew?! Theses countries are Andorra, Finland, Georgia, Greenland, Liechtenstein (never heard of that country before.. I'll look it up) Luxemberg and Norway. Ireland is ranked number 11 with 99% of the population literate.

On a side note , Liechtenstein is a very small country inbetween Switzerland and Austria.

At the other end of the scale, the country with the lowest literacy rate is Mali with a shocking 26.2% literacy!! That's incomprehensible to me. I can't imagine not being able to read or write.

Facts on illiteracy

Thanks to the International Literacy Day website for these facts. I'll post a link below.

1.) There are 1 billion illiterate adults in the world.
2.) Women make up two thirds of all illiterates.
3.) 98 percent of all non-literates live in developing countries.
4.) In the least developed countries, the overall illiteracy rate is 49 percent.
5.) 52 percent of all non-literates live in India and China.
6.) Africa as a continent has a literacy rate of less than 60 percent.

Here's a link to the website.

Also I found a video on the causes and consequences of illiteracy.

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